Sunday, February 27, 2011

Foods... gross!

I am having the worst time eating. I feel like nothing is going to stay down, and anything I eat makes me nauseous. The produce section in my favorite grocery store used to make me excited, full of ideas for dinners to be made and snacks to be thought up! But now, the smell of the whole area sends me into waves of morning sickness.

I can't think of anything to eat. I tried ginger ale- it only works in the most extreme cases. I've tried saltines- no luck whatsoever. Nothing sounds appetizing, and I have to absolutely force myself to eat.

My cravings so far have been: squash, potatoes, mozzarella, cheezits. After I crave them, I eat them, and then never want to see them again.

I really don't know how to make sure I am getting my body the nutrition it needs, so little Pumpkin can grow big and strong.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shop to make breast milk ice cream - Yahoo! News

Shop to make breast milk ice cream - Yahoo! News

All I have to say is.... whaaaaaaat?

Fears, and the Fearing Fearers Who Fear Them

I have a confession to make.

I am deathly afraid of miscarrying. This baby, little baby Squirtle as my sister has decided, is very important to me already. I've only known about Squirtle a couple of weeks, and already I'm worried about losing him. Miscarriage is one of the silent shames that women all over the world deal with. My co-worker experienced 2 in six months. My friend Audrey recently miscarried.

Life is so fragile. Life is so fleeting.

When Justin puts his hand on my stomach and smiles up at me in that infectious way, my heart jumps into my throat. This baby is proof of our love, as cheesy as it sounds.  What does it mean, when a living symbol of a relationship dies? I know that some relationships can't handle the loss of a baby, or even a miscarriage. Can ours weather that storm?
It's a question I never hope to have an answer to.

The loss of a child is a serious thing.

Boom! You're Pregnant

It was sort of a shock to see the faint pink line on the test.  You had to tilt the whole thing to the left, cross your eyes and let the light hit it just right... but it was there. Pregnant. Juuuust barely.

'Come look at this!' I called to my husband.

He declared he had no desire to see my pee on a stick.

I walked out of the bathroom and shoved it in his face.

'I don't see anything!' He said.

'It's there! I'm pregnant!'

And that was that. Another life, growing inside me.

We hadn't really been trying, honestly. It's just that we stopped not trying to have a baby. We felt like, if something like that happened, we could handle it. We felt prepared. This feeling rapidly evaporated as I looked at the first positive test.

Another life, growing inside me.

Four additional tests showed positive, so I gave up and called my doctor. They congratulated me and scheduled an appointment- 5 weeks away. I will be at 9 weeks, approximately. I will have a sonogram. Maybe seeing this little life inside me will make it feel more real? Maybe hearing a heartbeat will do it. Maybe the ever constant nausea will cause me to realize that I will be a mother soon.

In the mean time, I'm trying to force myself to relax. Don't worry, Hope! Be relaxed... Little Baby needs a comforting place to stay for a few months, before meeting the world.

Another life. Growing inside me.