Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sleepy Bug

Dear Cutie Patootie:

 I've been trying to sleep-train you lately. I even bought a book- 'The No-Cry Sleep Solution' by Elizabeth Pantley. It basically says that there are two methods to putting your baby to sleep- tears, or time. The book is all about gentle, loving ways to help you to sleep... and so far, it's worked. I never knew babies needed help learning to sleep! You used to wake up every hour, and only want to sleep on me. Now, we've moved up your bedtime, and you sleep in a little play pen by our bed for most of the night. My goal is to have you in your crib by your birthday... amazing, I know! Your own big girl room.

You are getting so big! This week has been different, because you've been home with Daddy. I wish you could stay home with one of us all the time. It is so nice to see you on my lunch break! Today, you smiled and clapped when I came in. I nursed you and we cuddled for a bit. It definitely brightened my day.

Thank you for being such a lovely baby, sleepyhead. I'll see you in the morning.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Messy bug!

Hello, little Lilybug!

I think you have really gotten the hang of this whole self-feeding thing. I tried to feed you a little baby food for lunch today, and you tried to take the spoon out of my hand. You chattered away while I tried to shovel food in your mouth, splattering me (and the chair, and the floor, and the dog) with liquid chicken noodle soup. And this was just lunch!

So far, you have learned to feed yourself: sweet potato, broccoli, pasta with tomato sauce, avocado, banana, apple, cheerios, baby puffs, rice crackers, freeze dried yogurt... soon, when you decide to pop out a tooth or two, we will expand that list even more. I am so proud of you!

As I am writing this, you are doing your favorite thing- shouting 'DADADADADADA' at the top of your lungs, even though Dada went to go pick up lunch. I hope this name-shouting turns into closeness with your father, because this week you get to spend it all with him! Miss Kelly, your daycare provider, is on a much needed vacation, so it's Daddy-Baby time all week!

Uh oh, you've decided you need some attention. Oh, what was that? You said 'Mama' again!!

Little Lily, I love you so much.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Dear Lillian,
You are 7 months old. No teeth yet, bald spot filling in, putting everything you find directly into your mouth. You learned to clap this week! And, for some obscure baby reason beyond my adult brain, you have decided you like to SHOUT. Not just anything, either- you like to continually shout 'DADA!'

Now, I know your first word was Mama, and I should be pleased with this... but I'd like for you to actually say it once in a while! It's like, once you learned how to say Dada, it became your favorite thing to say. Your father, of course, loves it.

Bath time is becoming your favorite time. We had been bathing you in a little pink newborn tub over the kitchen sink, but recently you became very interested in the kitchen sponges, dish soap, and other things a baby should not put in your mouth. So I bit the bullet, and filled up the big tub. You love it. Splash splash splash! It's great.

Currently, you are wiggling around at my feet. And I just want you to know, my little Wigglebug, how much I love you.