Sunday, May 27, 2012


Dear Lillian,
You are 7 months old. No teeth yet, bald spot filling in, putting everything you find directly into your mouth. You learned to clap this week! And, for some obscure baby reason beyond my adult brain, you have decided you like to SHOUT. Not just anything, either- you like to continually shout 'DADA!'

Now, I know your first word was Mama, and I should be pleased with this... but I'd like for you to actually say it once in a while! It's like, once you learned how to say Dada, it became your favorite thing to say. Your father, of course, loves it.

Bath time is becoming your favorite time. We had been bathing you in a little pink newborn tub over the kitchen sink, but recently you became very interested in the kitchen sponges, dish soap, and other things a baby should not put in your mouth. So I bit the bullet, and filled up the big tub. You love it. Splash splash splash! It's great.

Currently, you are wiggling around at my feet. And I just want you to know, my little Wigglebug, how much I love you.

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