Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sleepy Bug

Dear Cutie Patootie:

 I've been trying to sleep-train you lately. I even bought a book- 'The No-Cry Sleep Solution' by Elizabeth Pantley. It basically says that there are two methods to putting your baby to sleep- tears, or time. The book is all about gentle, loving ways to help you to sleep... and so far, it's worked. I never knew babies needed help learning to sleep! You used to wake up every hour, and only want to sleep on me. Now, we've moved up your bedtime, and you sleep in a little play pen by our bed for most of the night. My goal is to have you in your crib by your birthday... amazing, I know! Your own big girl room.

You are getting so big! This week has been different, because you've been home with Daddy. I wish you could stay home with one of us all the time. It is so nice to see you on my lunch break! Today, you smiled and clapped when I came in. I nursed you and we cuddled for a bit. It definitely brightened my day.

Thank you for being such a lovely baby, sleepyhead. I'll see you in the morning.

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