Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little Bug, Standing Tall

You are growing too fast. You can stand up for short periods of time now without really leaning on anything, and you got up to a standing position yesterday with no help from us or furniture or the dog or anything! It was great. I am so proud of my standing-up baby. I am sure you will be walking in no time.

Speaking of standing...
You are getting big and strong. Soon, we will be able to talk to each other, rather than at each other. You blather on in your baby syllables now, occasionally getting a recognizable word out (dada, mama, up) and I will chatter back at you about my day, and how pretty and smart and strong you are getting. I can't wait to be able to talk with you, and for us both to understand and listen, because I have some things I want to teach you. Somewhere down on that list is how to STAND UP. Specifically, stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. This can mean many things- don't bully, protect the weak, always tell the truth... it's such a vague concept, so I know I will be trying to teach it to you for the rest of my life. And I know, one day you will get it, and you will think, 'Thanks, Mom.' Well, I sure hope that's how it goes. I want to be the best possible influence I can be on you. The world doesn't have enough good people in it, so I want you to be one- a good, strong person who stands up for her beliefs, whatever they may  be.

I love you little girl,


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