Monday, July 30, 2012

Stand up, Bug!


You have recently started doing some very interesting and amusing things. You can blow raspberries, create big bubbles with your mouth, and STANDING UP on your own! You can cruise around, walking and holding onto the edges of furniture, and you crawl so fast now. It's amazing, seeing the difference a few weeks makes. You couldn't even crawl in the beginning of June! Just sitting back and watching you learn, practically hearing the wheels turn in your beautiful head is amazing. I am excited and dreading the moment you start walking (running!) because I know I will never have a peaceful moment EVER AGAIN. It's great!

Daddy got to take care of you overnight one day last week because I was in the hospital. It was hard to be away from both of you, because I love you both so much. He is more than capable of taking care of you, and you both came out alive- if not a little bit more tired than normal. He also took you to your 9 month appointment, where you were measured again. Just shy of 20 lbs, and 27" tall! So big. I am sure I will blink and you will be taller than me. Already my nephews are pretty much taller than me, which is a little freaky. Time flies! And your mama is short. What else is new??

I love my little Lady Bug!!

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